Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Calgary Farmers' Market Movin On Up!

The install is now complete at the Calgary Farmers' Market.
We designed, manufactured and installed the "barn themed" playground.
Calgary Farmers' Market Movin On Up!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Museum, Aquarium & Zoo Play

Children's Museum - still in the shopAirplane - TUFF STUFFAncient Egyptian Climbing WallAncient Egyptian Custom ThemingAncient Egyptian in the shopAnt
ArchwayBearBear Toddler Slide - TUFF STUFFBeaver - TUFF STUFFBetty Brinn Children's Museum by IplaycoBetty Brinn Childrens Museum by Iplayco
BirdBook entranceBug Apple CoreBumble Bee Child on Bridge - TUFF STUFFChildren looking out the Stage Coach
Chopper CRAB - TUFF STUFFCrocodileCustom Theming in the shopDolphinDuck - TUFF STUFF

Museum, Aquarium & Zoo Play, a set on Flickr.

Just updated our Flickr account, new photos of interactive events for all ages you can add to your zoo, aquarium or museum.

At International Play Company (Iplayco) we design, manufacture, ship and install Indoor Playground Equipment, Outdoor Playgrounds and Interactive Play Solutions worldwide.

Themed Indoor Playgrounds

360 Mall - Kuwait - International Play Company - Indoor Playground EquipmentA-Gym - Iplayco - themingClimbing Wall - still in the shopFind Us on FacebookFind us us Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Flicker, YouTubeIndoor Playground Equipment Themed Adventure Park
Kentucky Hospital - TUFF soft foam- MSR0091Kids Castle - FrontLeftMall of Arabia - P1010077Mall of Arabia - P1010098Matsqui Recreation CenterNamila - Salo Finland Bug Themed Indoor Playground
Namila - Salo Finland Bug Themed Indoor Playground - Ant Climbing WallPlayground Equipment Solutions by IplaycoPorterville First Church - S7300156Snake HeadThemed Indoor Playground - Castle themedThemed Indoor Playground - Castle, This one is in a mall
Themed Indoor Playground - Cheeky ChimpsThemed Indoor Playground - Dragon/CastleThemed Indoor Playground - JestersThemed Indoor Playground - Jungle Ballistic ZoneThemed Indoor Playground - Jungle ThemedThemed Indoor Playground - Jungle Themed - Gorilla

Themed Indoor Playgrounds, a set on Flickr.

Just updated our Flickr account with more photos of our themed indoor playgrounds.

At International Play Company (Iplayco) we design, manufacture, ship and install Indoor Playground Equipment, Outdoor Playgrounds and Interactive Play Solutions worldwide.